Those of you who know me well may be surprised at this next statement, but food was not important to me during much of last year. Or more accurately, food gradually lost some of its importance. Birthdays came and went without cakes. Anniversary celebrations weren't. Pizza Night became an obligation, and cooking became a chore. Puff pastry, creme brulee, and meringue don't stand a chance against heavy-weights like Foreclosure, Bankrupcy, and Booze. Or, to get even more graphic and metaphorical, how can you eat brioche when Reality is being crammed down your throat?
But here's the good news...2010 is gone. 2010 taught me not to ask "what can happen next?" because something always will, just wait. But it also taught me, ultimately, that Reality is served in small doses. 2011 is happening moment by moment, and a moment is not very much time at all. Traditions become traditions when they stand the test of time, and life on Chuckwalla Place certainly tested them all. I'm confident that life on Hawthorne Street, or wherever else we end up, will include cookies, and birthdays, and pizza, and moments.
(I can't share the recipe because, like so much of last year, I just winged it.)
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