But I have reason to question family lore, particularly when it comes to ancestral heritage. An oft-told, but suspiciously abbreviated, tale from my childhood included a pair of Norwegian brothers who came over on the boat and settled in upstate New York to make their fame and/or fortune, reproduce heartily and, fastforward, here I am...large head and all. Plausible. So I went with it...proud of my Norwegian background I chose the language of my forefathers as my foreign language in college (3 semesters worth), read Norwegian folktales, and tried to insert "Uff da" into my daily lexicon. I was getting there...at the height of my Norwegian-ness I was even dreaming in the language of my stoic Nordic ancestors.

No bagpipe-bleating stranger has yet to wander in from the fog to weave a plaid-ridden tale of kilt-wearing Scottish barbarianism which could dissuade me of my Irishness. I am (part) Irish; I have proof - just measure my head! So, for the time-being, I offer this oven-bourne tradition from my maternal homeland, an authentic Irish Soda Bread.
The fresh-off-the-plane Irishmen who taught me this recipe were quick to point out that Ireland does not have a history filled with wealth and riches. Soda Bread was peasantfare, and a quick study of the traditional ingredients is a lesson in poverty/wealth and nutrition. Refined white flour was saved for the upperclasses, the peasants were left with wholegrain flours. Filler was needed, so a handful of whole, cracked grain makes the bread go that much farther. Butter was a product to be sold, not to be eaten by a dairyman's family, so very little fat is included in this recipe. And what is buttermilk but a byproduct from buttermaking...using whole milk or, god forbid, cream in a bread recipe would be like taking money and eating it. Fruit or spices?...forget it, they were luxuries saved for celebrations, not for this basic, daily bread. Of course, knowing what we now know about health and nutrition, we realize that if the Irish peasantclass hadn't been starving, they would have been very healthy.
Irish Soda Bread
Yield: 2 loaves
(Pardon the odd measurements, this is scaled down from a much larger batch)
AP Flour..........................8.2 oz
Whole Wheat Pastry Flour.....9.5 oz
Oats/Rolled Spelt...............1.4 oz
Whole Wheat Flour.............4 oz
Salt................................0.3 oz
Baking Soda......................0.5 oz
Sugar..............................0.5 oz
Butter.............................2 oz
Buttermilk........................20.5 oz
1. Mix all the dry ingredients. Cut the butter into the dry until well incorporated.
2. Add the buttermilk and beat thoroughly.
3. Dust work surface with whole wheat flour, and turn the dough out onto it. Divide the dough in half, form rounds, place on parchment/Silpat lined baking sheet. Dust tops lightly with whole wheat flour. Let rest 20 minutes.
4. Preheat oven to 500. Place the loaves in the oven and immediately lower temperature to 480. Bake 30-35 minutes.
Of course you are partly German - hence, the uncanny resemblance to Boris Becker.
I like the beer-drinking picture. You guys have some serious mugs-full and some happy faces.
This bread seems like something I could actually try to make one day. This high optimism is coming from the guy who had to look on the internet (each of three times), to figure out how to make a grilled cheese sandwich for his kids.
Hope you're having a good spring.
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